Vintage Film Camera Shop


Voigtlander Baby Bessa 66 Folding Camera Optical Finder Skopar 1:3.5 F=7.5cm

Voigtlander Baby Bessa 66 Folding Camera Optical Finder Skopar 1:3.5 F=7.5cm

In used and much loved vintage condition and supplied in original leather case. This model is from t..


Voigtlander Baby Bessa 66 Folding Camera Vaskar 4.5/75mm Prontor-S

Voigtlander Baby Bessa 66 Folding Camera Vaskar 4.5/75mm Prontor-S

This later model has the Prontor-S shutter 1/300, Vaskar 4.5/7.5cm lens. Optical folding frame finde..


Voigtlander Baby Bessa Deluxe Model 46 No.2397649 Voigtar 1:3.5 F=7.5cm

Voigtlander Baby Bessa Deluxe Model 46 No.2397649 Voigtar 1:3.5 F=7.5cm

With built in viewfinder, hinged yellow filter missing, ca. 1938-1941...


Voigtlander Bessa I Rollfilm Medium Format Folding Camera Vaskar 4.5/105

Voigtlander Bessa I Rollfilm Medium Format Folding Camera Vaskar 4.5/105

In beautiful vintage condition and supplied in original leather pouch, ca.1951..


Voigtlander Braunschweig 8x21 Binoculars No.30078 Rare

Voigtlander Braunschweig 8x21 Binoculars No.30078 Rare

In beautiful restored vintage condition and available in protective leather pouch...


Voigtlander Dynarex 1:4.8/100 Camera Lens Bessamatic Ultramatic

Voigtlander Dynarex 1:4.8/100 Camera Lens Bessamatic Ultramatic

In beautiful vintage condition, scratch- and fungus free and supplied in its original leather keeper..


Voigtlander Rollfilm Camera 6.5x11 No.147695 Skopar 1:4.5 F=10.5cm

Voigtlander Rollfilm Camera 6.5x11 No.147695 Skopar 1:4.5 F=10.5cm

In beautiful vintage condition and supplied in leather protective case, ca.1927..


Voigtlander Super-Dynarex 1:4 135mm Telephoto Lens

Voigtlander Super-Dynarex 1:4 135mm Telephoto Lens

In excellent vintage condition and supplied in original leather keeper...


Voigtlander Super-Dynarex 1:4/200 Tele Lens 317/77 Filter 310/77 Hood

Voigtlander Super-Dynarex 1:4/200 Tele Lens 317/77 Filter 310/77 Hood

This vintage tele lens is in beautiful condition, the glass is scratch-free and is supplied with ori..


Voigtlander Vito BL 35mm Film Camera Color-Skopar 1:3.5/50

Voigtlander Vito BL 35mm Film Camera Color-Skopar 1:3.5/50

In very good vintage condition, ca.1956-1957..


Voigtlander Vito I Post WW2 Folding Camera Prontor II Skopar 1:3.5 f=5cm

Voigtlander Vito I Post WW2 Folding Camera Prontor II Skopar 1:3.5 f=5cm

In very good vintage condition, ca.1947...


Voigtlander Vito II Folding Camera Compur Rapid Color Skopar 3.5/50

Voigtlander Vito II Folding Camera Compur Rapid Color Skopar 3.5/50

Early Model, ca. 1950-1954. This vintage camera is in need of a clean and possibly a service, for ul..


Voigtlander Vito II Folding Camera Prontor-S Color Skopar 3.5/50

Voigtlander Vito II Folding Camera Prontor-S Color Skopar 3.5/50

This early model has the flash shoe, ca. 1950-1954. This vintage camera is in need of a clean and po..


Voigtlander 310/32 Clip-on Camera Lens Shade Hood 325/32 SF Filter

Voigtlander 310/32 Clip-on Camera Lens Shade Hood 325/32 SF Filter

In excellent vintage condition and supplied in original leather case...


Voigtlander 310/41 AR 40.5 Shade Hood Focar Lenses 317 348 344/41

Voigtlander 310/41 AR 40.5 Shade Hood Focar Lenses 317 348 344/41

40.5mm screw mount close up lenses and shade hood, supplied in original beautiful leather keeper...


Showing 1 to 15 of 71 (5 Pages)