Products meeting the search criteria
Canon FX SLR 35mm Film Camera FL: 1.8/50mm Hood Caps No.112353
This camera was the successor to the Canonflex series. "Flex" became "F", ca.1964-1966. In well used..
Rolleicord V TLR Vintage Film Camera Leather Keeper Lens caps
ca.1954-1957, this camera takes 120 roll film and with a Rolleikin adapter (not included) it can be ..
Imperial Sovereign Glass Dry Plates Landscape Negatives 5x4 Vintage Photography
This is a lot of 12 processed large format landscape photography glass plates are in beautiful vinta..
Keystone K25 Capri 8mm Film Cine Camera Elgeet f:2.3 Lens
Ca.1946-1950's. 8mm film movie camera in good used vintage condition...
Elmar 4/90mm portrait lens bakelite keeper rare f=9cm Black Paint caps
In very good cosmetic and optical condition. Lightly used in original black bakelite rare container..
Leica Summicron 2/50 mm DR coated camera lens caps hood set
This lens is in fantastic condition. Beautiful coatings. Smooth focus and aperture actions. Front an..
Shark Skin Leica IIIc vintage film camera Elmar 2.8/50mm lens case cap
Beautiful rangefinder antique 35mm film camera in excellent working condition. The serial number is:..
Chrome Leitz Elmar f=5cm 1:3.5 SM leica camera lens with caps
The lens is supplied in good optical order and working condition. M39 screw mount rangefinder couple..
Leica IIIa LTM Leitz film camera Summar f=5cm f2 lens case cap
The camera is in good working order with a clean lens. The serial number is: 303433 from 1938..
Leica IIIf 35mm film camera with Summar 5cm 1:2 lens case cap
This camera set dates back to 1933 Complete with case and cape this camera is in good working order ..
Leica Standard B chrome 5cm Elmar F3.5 case and lens cap
This camera dates back to 1938. A Leica Standard B model with a Elmar 5cm f3.5 chrome collapsible co..