Products meeting the search criteria
Asahi Fish-Eye-Takumar 1:11/18 Pentax Camera Lens
This lens has a field of view of 180 degrees and it covers the 24x36mm full frame image area. In bea..
Asahi Pentax Flip Up Eyepiece Magnifier for 35mm SLR Camera
This clip-on hinged eyepiece is designed to easily fit onto the slotted frame of the viewfinder of o..
Bell Howell Filmo 70-DA 16mm Cine Camera Dallmeyer 6 in F4.5 3 in F3.5 Lenses
Supplied with x2 Dallmeyer (150mm and 75mm) Telephoto lenses and a Taylor Hobson 1 inch 1.5 lens. Th..
Dallmeyer 4 Inch f/4.5 Enlarging Anastigmat Vintage Lens
In good vintage condition and in need of a clean to achieve perfection...
Dallmeyer Dallon Tele Anastigmat F/5.6 12 inch Camera Lens Soho Reflex
This 12 inch tele photo camera lens is in good vintage condition and shows moderate signs of ageing...
Dallmeyer Kinematograph C-Mount Camera Lens F/1.9 F=2 Inch perfect glass
This very rare lens is in excellent vintage condition, with original lens hood and in original C mou..
Exakta Varex IIa Version 5 Ihagee SLR Camera Meyer Optik Domiplan 2.8/50
The camera body shows signs of ageing and maintenance. The lens is in beautiful condition. Supplied ..
Field camera wood 8x10 Hugo Meyer Goerlitz f6 f270mm Aristostigmat lens
Light tight bellows. Very clean Hugo Meyer lens, especially considering its age. In used condition w..
Ihagee EXA-IIa 35mm Film Camera Meyer Optik Domiplan 2.8/50
This beautiful vintage camera dates back to 1963-1964, in excellent condition...
Ihagee Exakta VP jr. Version 2 nr.418840 Meyer Trioplan 1:4.5 f=7.5cm
This Exakta VP (vest pocket) camera is fitted with a special Meyer Optik Trioplan lens. Ca.1935..
Ihagee Kine Exakta Type 4 35mm SLR Film Camera Meyer Primoplan 1:1.9 f=5.8cm
This series was the first of the SLR film cameras in regular production by Ihagee, ca.1938. Fitted w..
Kinon Superior 1 F=5cm Projector Lens Hugo Meyer Gorlitz
When mounted onto a camera with adapter, this lens produces amazing special effects, a kind of circu..
Meyer-Optik Trioplan 1:2.8/100 Lens Exa Exakta Mount
This lens is known for its fabulous 'soap bubble' bokeh, in very good condition...
Zeiss Contarex Bullseye SLR Film Camera Sonnar 1:2 f=85mm Lens
Camera and lens are in beautiful vintage condition and supplied in original leather pouch, ca.1959Ð1..
Zeiss Ikon Contarex Bullseye SLR Camera Planar 1:2 f=50mm Lens
The camera and lens are in excellent vintage condition and supplied in original protective pouch ...