Products meeting the search criteria
Zorki-4 Early Model 35mm Rangefinder Camera Jupiter-8 2/50 Lens USSR
Serial No.5659363, ca.1956, this early model is in beautiful vintage condition...
Coronet 3-D Stereo 4.5x5 Camera Early Version Bakelite
Ca.1953 , this stereo binocular-finder camera uses 127 rollfilm . In good vintage condition...
Kodak No.4 Folding Pocket Film Camera FPK Early Model 4x5
Serial No.314, c.1907-1913, fitted with Bausch & Lomb Rectilinear lens, in good vintage condition...
Voigtlander Prominent Early Model 35mm Film Camera Ultron 1:2/50
Serial No.B19701, ca.1951, in good used vintage condition and fitted with the magnificent Ultron 1:2..
Kodak Duo 620 Early Model 4.5x6 Folding Camera f:4.5 F=7.5cm
Ca.1933-1937, beautiful art deco style 4.5×6 horizontal folder made by Kodak AG in the former Nagel-..
Kodak Six-20 Brownie C Box Type 620 Film Camera Early Model
Ca.1946-1953, the predecessor of the Model C, in good vintage condition. Please note the top handle,..
Kodak Six-20 Brownie D 620 Roll Film Box Type Camera Early Series
Ca.1946-1953, vintage box type film camera, in well-aged and used condition. This well made Brownie ..
Kodak Folding Brownie Six-20 620 Film Viewfinder Camera Early Model
Ca. 1937-1940, beautiful vintage viewfinder folding camera, making 2¼×3¼ inch exposures on 620 rollf..
Voigtlander Brillant Early Metal TLR 120 Film Camera Voigtar 1:6.3 F=7.5cm
Ca.1932, early version medium format TLR film camera. It takes 120 roll film. The body is sheet meta..
Voigtlander Brillant Early Model TLR 120 Film Camera Skopar 1:4.5 F=7.5cm
Ca.1932, early version medium format TLR film camera. It takes 120 roll film. The body is sheet meta..
Agfa Optima 500 35mm Film Camera Color-Apotar 1:2.8/45 Early Model
Ca.1964-1966, 35mm film viewfinder camera with automatic programmed Compur shutter. In good vintage ..
Voigtlander Vito BL 35mm Film Camera Color-Skopar 2.8/50 Early Model
Ca.1956-1960, vintage 35mm viewfinder camera with fixed lens and non-coupled Bewi-Automat meter. In ..
Zeiss Ikon 54/18 Baby Box Tengor 127 Roll Film Camera Early Model
Ca.1930, vintage metal box miniature camera, for type No. 127 film rolls with small sports finder an..
Voigtlander Vito BL Early Model 35mm Film Camera Color-Skopar 2.8/50
Ca.1956-1960, vintage 35mm viewfinder camera with fixed lens and non-coupled Bewi-Automat meter. In ..
Carl Zeiss Jena Triotar 1:4.5 F=15cm Camera Brass Lens BIV3 Early
Serial No.257732, ca.1920's vintage brass lens, the front and rear elements share the same serial nu..