Zeiss Ikon Cameras
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta A 521 4.5x6cm Pre-war Folding Novar 1:4.5 f=7.5cm
Ca.1938-1948, beautiful vintage 4.5x6cm format Ikonta folding camera, takes 120 type rollfilm. In gr..
Zeiss Ikonta 520 Ikomat A 4.5x6cm Folding Camera Novar 1:6.3 F=7.5cm
Ca.1932-1937, small vintage 4.5x6cm format Ikonta folding camera, takes 120 type rollfilm. In much l..
Zeiss Ikon Cocarette 0 Large Folding Camera Nostar 1:6.8 F=10.5cm
Ca.1922, beautiful, almost antique, large folding camera, in good condition and supplied in leather ..
Zeiss Ikon Cocarette Luxus 1 521/2 Folding Camera Tessar 6.3/10.5cm
Ca.1926-1932, beautiful vintage Contessa-Nettel 6x9 folding camera, in good used condition...
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super 35mm Film SLR Camera Tessar 2.8/45
Serial No. R70357, ca. 1959-1962, beautiful vintage 35mm film SLR camera, in good used condition and..
Zeiss Ikon 515/2 Pre-war 6x9 Folding Camera Telma Nettar 1:4.5 f=11cm
Ca.1933, beautiful vintage folding , 6x9 exposures on 120 roll film. In good condition and supplied ..
Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 Folding 6x9 Camera Pre-war Telma 1:6.3 f=10.5cm
Ca.1933, vintage 6x9 format folding camera, uses 120 roll film. In good condition, little bit of fun..
Zeiss Ikon 54/18 Baby Box Tengor 127 Roll Film Camera Early Model
Ca.1930, vintage metal box miniature camera, for type No. 127 film rolls with small sports finder an..
Zeiss Ikon 533/24 Contessa 35 Folding Camera Opton Tessar 1:2.8 45mm
Ca.1950-1953, vintage and early model, 35mm film folding rangefinder camera, with Compur Rapid shutt..