New Arrivals

Kodak Vigilant Six-20 Folding 6x9 Film Camera Anaston f:6.3/105mm
Ca.1939-1949, vintage Art Deco style 620 film camera, in good used condition. The body shows sign of..
Voigtlander Vito CLR 35mm Film RF Camera Color-Skopar 2.8/50
Ca.1963-1968, beautiful rangefinder 35mm film camera, supplied in original leather case, in original..
Zeiss Ikon Icarex 35 S TM SLR Film Camera M42 Tessar 2.8/50 in Case
Ca.1968, 35mm SLR film camera with M42 lens mount. In good used vintage condition and supplied with ..
Zeiss Contaflex I Original 861/24 SLR 35mm Film Camera Tessar 2.8/45
Serial No.F84258, ca.1953, the original Contaflex SLR, in good vintage used condition, supplied in l..
Zeiss Ikon Donata 227/3 Plate Folding Camera Tessar 1:4.5 f=10.5cm
Ca.1927-1931, vintage folding plate film camera, produces 6.5x9 images. In good used condition and s..
Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta C 530/2 Folding Film Camera Tessar 1:3.5/7.5cm
Ca.1933-1936, vintage coupled rangefinder folding camera, dual format, 4.5x6 and 6x9, on 120 rollfil..
Kershaw Eight-20 Penguin Folding 120 Rollfilm 6x9 Camera
Ca.1946, beautiful 6x9 on 120 rollfilm, folding camera in leather case. In very good vintage conditi..
Kodak No.3-A Folding Pocket Model B-3 122 Rollfilm Camera
Serial No.2037, ca.1912-1915 beautiful antique film pocket folding camera, in good condition...
Zeiss Ikon Tenax I 570/27 35mm Film Camera Novar 1:3.5 f=3.5cm
Serial No.H93406, ca. 1939-1941, 24x24mm format, viewfinder camera, early model. Later, in 1948-1953..
Olympus Pen 35mm Half Frame Film Camera D.Zuiko 1:3.5 f=2.8cm
Serial No.118785, ca.1959-1964 The first of the Olympus Pen models, this is an early version with on..
Braun Super-Paxette Model II 35mm Film Camera Staeble-Kata 1:2.8/45
Serial No.262144, ca.1956, vintage 35mm film, coupled rangefinder camera with interchangeable lens. ..
Zeiss Super Ikonta C 530/2 Folding RF Camera Tessar 1:4.5 f=10.5cm
Ca.1933-1936, vintage 120 coupled rangefinder folding camera, dual format, 4.5x6 and 6x9, on 120 rol..
Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander Vitessa 500L Film Camera Color-Lanthar 1:2.8/42
Ca. 1968, beautiful vintage 35mm compact film camera, in great condition and supplied in original le..
Zeiss Ikon Nettar II 517/16 Folding Camera Novar 1:6.3 f=75mm
Ca.1951-1957, vintage 6x6 format 120 rollfilm folding camera, in beautiful condition and supplied in..
Voigtlander Vitoret DR 35mm RF Film Camera Color-Lanthar 2.8/50
Serial No.392499, ca.1965-1970, vintage 35mm rangefinder film camera, in good used condition and sup..