Leica Accessories

WINTU Winkelsucher right angle view finder Leitz camera Leica
Fits in camera hotshoe. In very good condition and in original makers box..
OUAGO Visoflex II system adapter for 90mm Elmar lens 16467N
Camera lens adapter in excellent condition...
Right angle viewfinder WINTU Leitz Wetzlar Leica hot shoe mount
This viewfinder is in great condition. Clear optics from 1933..
Universal Leitz Viewfinder with straight sides VIOOH camera Leica
From 1939-1963serial number 58905 if you set this at 8.5 the you can use it with your Summarex lens...
Dimaron f=10cm 1:2.8 lens slide projector projection lens Prado 150
The lens in good clean working condition...
VAROB f=5cm 1:3.5 enlarging lens Leitz Wetzlar Leica vintage optics
For FOCOMAT I enlarger. In excellent condition..
Synchronblitzer Leitz camera flash attachment hot shou mount parts
Sold as displayed untested..
Leitz Wetzlar Leica CTOOM Camera Right Angle Adjustable Flash grip
In excellent working order. Ready to use on your Leica M camera..
Leica II New York leather ever ready camera case rare only 200 made
The made in "New York" leica leather ever ready Leica II camera case from 1947-1948..
Wetzlar Leica CTOOM Camera right angle adjustable flash bracket
In excellent working order. Ready to use on your Leica M camera..
Projection lens Dimaron f=10cm 1:2.8 lens slide projector fits Prado 150
The lens in good clean working condition...